
I'm Nikolai and I'm an open book~

Alder 34 Fra Colorado Springs, Colorado Online Over 2 uger siden

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Grundlæggende oplysninger Fortæl os lidt om dig selv.
  • Jeg taler Engelsk, Russisk
  • Jeg beskriver mig selv som Hola~ I'm Nikolai, 22 years young and looking for someone to make happy. I'm a laid back guy, easy to talk to, and always ready to listen. I love my music, anything old school i.e AC/DC, Nat King Cole, Freddie Mercury, Frank Sinatra etc. I'm just as comfortable outside as inside, as long as it's not too damned cold lol I love to make people laugh, and I love to make people happy, it's purpose in life :D This thing says to tell you all what makes you unique. Hmm... :/ Not sure what to say..I suppose I could say I'm loyal/faithful. I can tell you that I'd rather die than cheat, it's just not me. I would do anything for the ones I love, kill or die if necessary to protect them. But on a brighert note, I'm a very loving person I think, I go out of my way to make people smile, and even though I love my nicotine, I'm the guy that'll give my last cigarette if you need one.

    I should point out that i love to read, especially anything by Heinlein or Asimov. Though I have found potential winners in Dean Koontz and Anne Rice as well. I have a certain infatuation with poetry, but try as I might, all of mine comes out a bit morbid, and if not morbid, certainly bizarre. I have a tendency to stay up for days at a time, provided I stay active or interested in what I'm doing. I like to work out, but only when I feel like it. It's odd, I'm lazy but driven at the same time. Let's see...Oh! I'm a nerd, I know it doesn't seem like it, but I am. I have this leftover fondness for Pokemon that never really went away lol Pokemon and guns are two things I could argue about all day. In a good way of course, I love debates as long as they remain good spirited, stimulates the mind.

    Which brings me to seriousness: You've earned points for making it this far and not leaping straight for my number above, it shows an interest in more than just aesthetics. First prerequisite, intelligence, I don't care if you're Jesus himself, no brains, not gonna happen. Second, loyalty. I would sooner die than cheat on you, don't cheat on me. Third, sense of humor is a must, I need to laugh and make you laugh, its good for the body and mind. ^_^ Lastly, maturity. I'm not after a quick ****, I'm after something more than sex. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying sex is bad, I'm not even saying that sex can't help to build a relationship, to foster intimacy. But there needs to be more, I need reciprocity, emotional and intellectual stimulation.

    If you think you make the cut, message me, I'm always happy to talk~
  • Underskriv Vædderen
Udseende & Situation Hvad er din nuværende situation? Beskriv dit udseende.
  • Min kropstype er Atletisk
  • Min højde er 178 cm
  • Mine øjne er Nøddebrun
  • Min etnicitet er Kaukasisk, Andet
  • Min civilstand er Single
  • Jeg har børn Nej
  • Jeg vil have børn Ikke sikker
  • Mit bedste karaktertræk er Øjne
  • Kropsudsmykning Andet
  • Mit hår er Brun
  • Jeg har en eller flere af disse Kat
  • Villig til at flytte Ja
Status Hvad laver du?
  • Mit uddannelsesniveau er Lidt af universitetet
  • Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er Arbejder hjemmefra
  • Mit speciale er Militær
  • Min jobtitel er Social Media Manager
  • Jeg tjener så meget på et år Mindre end $14.999USD
  • Jeg bor Med forældre
  • Hjemme Venner kommer forbi en gang i mellem
  • Jeg er ryger Ja - ofte
  • Jeg drikker Ja - til fester
Personlighed Hvordan handler du? Hvilken smag har du?
  • I gymnasiet var jeg Udstødt
  • Min sociale opførsel er Venlig, Observerende, Reserveret
  • Mine interesser og hobbier er Biler, Madlavning, Internet, Spil, Film, Musik, Læsning
  • Min idé om at have det sjovt er Diskotek / barer, Være sammen med venner, Spille computerspil, Læse en bog, Afslappende, Sove, Være hjemme, I biografen, Prøve noget nyt, Tv
  • En ideel første date ville være I would say something like: getting coffee and talking, but if I'm truthful? I want to take you to a nice place for dinner (No worries, I'll be getting the tab ^ ^) and getting to know you for who you are; your interests, your favorite color, music...and if it feels mutual, maybe a kiss to top it all off with?~
  • Jeg har altid villet prøve I have no idea what to put here, there's tons of things I've always wanted to try lol
  • Mine venner beskriver mig som Venlig, Ballademager, Cool, Obskur, Fjollet, En flirt
Synspunkter Syn på livet.
  • Min religion er Andet
  • Jeg deltager i tjenester Aldrig
  • Mit mål i livet er Find the one I'm supposed to be with, the one I can give everything and make happy.
  • Min form for humor er Snu, Venlig, Fjollet, Obskur, Sadistisk, Fræk
Smag Hvad kan du lide?
  • I tv ser jeg altid Dramaer, Film
  • Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Gys
  • Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Rap, Rock, Soul
  • Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid Komisk, Fantasy, Fiktion, Gys, Mystik, Filosofi, Poesi, Romantik, Overnaturlig, Science Fiction, Jeg er forfatter
  • Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er Hanging out, listening to music, cuddling, going to the club sometimes, talking, I'm not too picky~
Leder efter Hvad søger du?
  • Hvad finder du attraktivt? Empati, Flirtende, Flot udseende, Humor, Intelligens, Passivitet, Følsomhed, Spontanitet, Omtanke, Morsom
  • Hvad leder du efter? First and foremost I look for intelligence and humor. Empathy is a great bonus, and I admit to having a weakness for the sensitive guys...
  • Hvilken type forhold leder du efter? Ven, Dato, Andet

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